About PRHK

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Become a member

You can become a member of PRHK today by filling out the membership form below, agreeing to uphold the PRHK Code of Practice, and paying an annual membership fee online.

Membership fees and application link are as follows:

Membership Category Annual Membership Fee (HKD)
Open to agencies operating in Hong Kong for over 1 year with a valid local business registration. Fee is based on an agency’s annual income over the last financial year

Large – Over HKD20 million

Medium – HKD5-19.9 million

Small – Under HKD4.9 million




Large: 15,120

Medium: 6,720

Small: 3,360

Open to in-house PR or communications teams based in Hong Kong
Includes up to 5 team members
Individual Professional
Individual public relations, public affairs or communications professional based in Hong Kong working in a full-time capacity – agency or in house
Hong Kong – based student of a tertiary institution
Organisation or Individual that supports the PR industry and is accepted by the Board
 Organisation: 12,600

Individual: 3,150

If you have any enquiry, feel free to email us at connect@prhongkong.org.