PRHK is delighted to announce the Hong Kong edition of this year’s Young Lions PR competition 2021 with registrations opening on 1 March. Open to young PR professionals, the competition selects a winning team of two to attend the global Young Lions‘ competition in Cannes, where they will compete against the best of the best PR professionals from around the world. Entrants must be 30 years of age or younger, born on or after 22 June 1990 and living in Hong Kong. The brief will be set by a local NGO who will act as the ‘client’, and participants will be given around five weeks to create a campaign.
Entries close at 1pm Thursday 8 April.
Entry fee for PRHK members is HKD2,800 for the first team entry from an agency. Each subsequent entry from that same agency will be HKD1,400.
Entry fee for non-members is HKD4,000 per team. This fee also includes a one-year special offer of membership to PRHK.
Key dates:
Thursday 8 April Entry deadline at 1pm
Friday 9- 16 April Short-list judging period
Monday 19 April Short-list teams advised
Thursday 22 April Teams of two to present in person to jury, winners announced
For any questions and to register please contact
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