Competing in a world-renowned London based property award
The prestigious Outstanding Property Award London evaluates entries based on their own merit; scoring points for creativity, form, and function. 2021 saw over 600 project entries from all over the world. Henderson Land Development enlisted CCG’s services to guide them through the award submission process, as a large part of the award submission process involved high quality copywriting and creating an immersive and eye-catching PowerPoint deck. CCG helped Henderson Land Development with 2 projects for this award:
1. The ArtLane Twin Towers
2. Whampoa Street Development
Guiding the Client through the submission process with excellence
CCG’s native English speaking content development team liaised with Henderson Land Development’s key project leaders to walk them through each step of the award submission process, from guiding them through key award submission requirements and criteria, to meticulously curating the content development needed to secure the highest chances of winning. The CCG content development team extensively familiarized themselves with the project’s features and qualities in order to extract key project highlights that would attract the judges most, alongside working closely with CCG’s in-house designer to ensure information was presented concisely in the most engaging fashion possible.
Earning the titles of 2021 OPAL Winner and Platinum Winner
Both the Henderson Land Development projects that were submitted through the help of CCG earnt an award in the 2021 OPAL Awards. The ArtLane Twin Towers earnt the title of Winner under the category of Property Development, while Whampoa Street Development earnt an even more prestigious title of Platinum Winner under the same category.